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Color Me Pretty: 10 New Tips to Play Holi Safely with Your Baby in 2024

Play Holi Safely

Holi, the festival of colors, is a joyous occasion filled with fun, frolic, and vibrant hues. For parents with babies and toddlers, celebrating Holi can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Each of us want to play Holi safely, but most of us hardly dwell on the ‘how’. However, with the new generation of millennial parents, who are all about mindful, gentle parenting, the focus is more on sensory joy along with creating memories. 

Of course, YOU want to partake in the festivities while ensuring the safety and well-being of your little ones, and sometimes it does get more confusing than not on how to prepare. Fret not! We’ve curated a list of 10 tips to help you play Holi with your baby safely, year on year. 

To make things easier to digest and find more doable ideas, we have divided the post into three fun-filled, practical, and interesting sections. Be ready to learn and get inspired from activities to do, food to make, serve, and eat, to some unique ways to celebrate. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the colorful world of hues with your tiny tots, and play Holi safely.

Activities To Do

Let’s begin with some of the beautiful ways to celebrate the festival, with different activities that are fun not just for your baby, but for you too!

1. Water Play with Care: Holi often involves water balloons and water guns, but for babies, a gentler approach is key. To ensure your babies play Holi safely, opt for small water sprinklers or water/bath tubs with lukewarm water. Ensure the water is clean and free from harmful chemicals. Let your baby splash and giggle in the safe confines of your supervision. It’s great to let them use the colored water to make hand and foot prints on paper, which once dried up, can become greeting cards, memory frames, and even a Holi Banner!

    2. Organic Colors Only: When it comes to colors, stick to organic and natural ones to ensure that you play Holi safely. These are gentle on your baby’s delicate skin and pose no harm if ingested accidentally. Avoid synthetic or chemical-laden colors that can cause irritation or allergies. You can try out eco-friendly colors from sustainable brands, like Phool

    Some great homemade recipes include mixing corn flour with spinach, beetroot, rose petals, turmeric, and even butterfly pea juices for green, pink, red, yellow, and blue colors. For making the juice, simply boil the items in water and strain off after cooling. Once mixed with corn flour in excess, they dry up and turn into colored powder. Isn’t that magical? You can also keep the colored water to use as material for water play. Who said it was difficult to play Holi safely? Creativity is the key!

    3. Gentle Smearing: Instead of vigorous smearing, opt for gentle application of colors on your baby’s cheeks or arms. Use soft, dry colors and avoid getting them near your baby’s eyes, nose, or mouth. Be vigilant around other kids to ensure they play Holi safely, as children often don’t understand how soft a baby’s skin truly is. In fact, it will be even beneficial to lather your little one with baby lotion or massage oil for extra protection. Remember, a little goes a long way when it comes to Holi colors and your baby’s safety is paramount.

    4. Color Sensory Play: Another great way to play Holi safely is to engage your baby in coloring activities, but in a festive way. Play traditional Holi songs or gentle music, get them to use the organic colors to play with paper dolls, or simply have them use crayons to paint a picture. Get creative and involve your baby in making Holi-themed art. Use safe, non-toxic finger paints or watercolors to create colorful masterpieces together.

    When you bring music and dance along with these activities, it adds to the bonding between you and your baby, as you both can sway to the rhythm and enjoy the beats. This sensory experience can be delightful for your baby to play Holi safely, while keeping them away from the hustle and bustle of the festivities.

    Foods to Prepare

    Food is perhaps one of the most important pillars of success for any festivities and fiesta. It’s important to be mindful about the foods we prepare, as dirty fingers and hands are the smallest of the worries of this day. Along with that, heaps of processed foods are served in the parties. So, it’s imperative to be careful of the foods that your baby is exposed to. For your little one’s benefit, make small efforts to ensure safety, without compromising on taste.

    5. Healthy Holi Treats: Whip up some healthy and colorful snacks for your baby’s Holi celebrations. Think fruit kebabs, yogurt parfaits with natural food colors, or homemade finger foods. To ensure that it is safe, you can also make colorful doughs/batter with natural food colors and make Holi-special breads, cookies, or crepes. Avoid sugary treats and opt for nutritious options to keep your baby energized throughout the festivities.

    6. Hydration is Key: With all the excitement, it’s easy for babies to get dehydrated. To help them to play Holi safely, keep them hydrated with frequent feeds of breast milk or formula. You can also offer small sips of water if your baby is old enough. Steer clear of sugary drinks or sodas, and stick to plain water or natural fruit juices.

    7. Allergy Awareness: Be mindful of any food allergies your baby may have when preparing Holi treats. Avoid ingredients that could trigger allergic reactions and opt for safer alternatives. Another essential thing to remember is to refrain from getting your baby to taste something new during the festival. From the consequence being as trivial as a throw-up or blowout, to as serious as an allergic reaction, it’s better to be proactive about safety. If you’re unsure, consult your pediatrician before introducing new foods to your baby’s diet.

    Unique Ways To Celebrate

    Finally, we come to my favorite part of the blog post. While it may not be traditional, but sometimes taking a break from the usual ways of celebration truly spices things up and makes life fun and memorable. With your little mini-me in tow, get experimental, push boundaries off your comfort zone, and immerse yourself in unique ways to celebrate the Festival of Colors!

    8. Identify Colors in Nature: While it may sound overwhelming initially, it’s one of the simplest ways to celebrate and appreciate colors. Simply take a nature walk to collect flowers, leaves, twigs, and even sticks to bring back and identify colors with your little one. Taking a trip and pointing to the different objects and colors as they pass by can be another great way to identify colors in nature. It surely warms the heart to see little fingers pointing to different objects and little voices calling out the name of the color! If you’re at a loss of planning for your getaway, consider reading my blog on 8 Best Getaways for the Next Long Weekend.

    9. Family Photo Shoot: Dress up your baby in adorable Holi-themed outfits and capture precious moments with a family photo shoot. Choose a safe and comfortable location away from the chaos of the festivities. With so many photographers offering home photo shoot options, one is truly spoilt for choice. However, another great way to make it memorable is to prepare for it together as a family. How about donning your kiddo in a cute My First Holi onesie? Or perhaps, you can create DIY props or backdrops, recreate old family photos, or even reenact some famous Holi song to add a personalized touch to your photos. 

    10. Virtual Celebrations: If you’re concerned about exposing your baby to large crowds or loud noises, consider hosting a virtual Holi celebration with friends and family. Connect via video call and exchange good wishes while staying in the comfort and safety of your home. Consider preparing for some games You can still enjoy the spirit of Holi without compromising your baby’s well-being.

    Play Holi Safely This Festive Season!

    Celebrating Holi with your baby can be a delightful experience filled with love, laughter, and colorful memories. By following these 10 tips and ideas, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable Holi celebration for your little one. From gentle water play to healthy treats and unique ways to celebrate, make this festival of colors a cherished experience for your millennial family. 

    Happy Holi! Stay colorful, stay safe!

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